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About Me

A Guide to Your Goals

Hi! My name's Paul and I'm passionate about helping people find the life they truly desire. The human condition has always fascinated me, leading me to train as an NLP practitioner in 2010 and a (ACSTH/ICF-accredited) coach in 2012. I have a good all-round understanding of the mind-body interaction - both intellectually (before I became so interested in the mind I was an osteopath so have a degree in anatomy and physiology) and experientially - my own history of depression, anxiety and feeling lost. These experiences I can now be grateful for, as they were the impetus for change and discovering tools that I have a passion to share with others.

Right now you may be facing one or more of the following:

- feeling stuck, lost or lacking direction

- dragged down by unhelpful behaviour (e.g. addiction, anger)

- want to feel more confident and alive

- you know what you 'should' be doing (e.g. eat healthier, take more exercise), but can't get motivated

Here's the good news: Whatever challenge you're currently facing, it can be overcome! Not only that but further down the line you may actually be grateful for today's challenge because it was the impetus for taking your life in a whole new direction - people report this back to me all the time!

For more information about how I like to work you can visit my page at Life Coach Directory.

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